Exporting CSV Issues


We have identified the plugin which is providing the whitespace. This has been removed and a patch has been applied to all servers. CSV exporting should now continue as normal. If you have any issues, please contact Helpdesk.
Posted Nov 10, 2016 - 13:12 GMT


We have established that as part of the recent Moodle Upgrade, CSV files appended a blank line prior rendering them in the browser. We have identified the issue and are working on the fix.
Posted Nov 10, 2016 - 13:11 GMT


We have been made aware of an issue with exporting certain resources from Moodle via CSV and Excel formats which are loading inside the browser and not downloading. As a temporary measure you can copy and paste the contents into a text editor and save it as filename.csv (without .txt) and this will temporarily enable you to download files.

The development team are investigating the issue.
Posted Nov 09, 2016 - 17:20 GMT